Duchess & Duchess Night. Why the separate sessions?

It goes without saying that the teaching and encouragement needs of girls and their mothers differ greatly. As much as mothers and daughters desire to be close and emotionally connected there are so many factors that prevent this from happening: time and lack of energy, communication strategies, lack of trust, tension, friction and low levels of understanding of similar issues. The list could go on.
Girls, especially teenage girls seem to believe that their parents do not understand their needs and point of view, while it is customary for parents to try to drill certain ideas and discipline into them; hence the friction.
Having a safe neutral space where mothers and daughters can learn separately, in the company of other women and girls who are definitely experiencing similar issues is a healthy way to confront issues. Both parties get the opportunity to explore varying perspectives, which will hopefully help them examine their familial connections from a different point of view.
We know that there is great gain in approaching sensitive issues with wisdom and seeking the right counsel and we are honored to create a space where these can happen.'
Our speakers and facilitators are ready to engage with the girls and their mothers as we all take the mother-daughter connections to the next level.
We hope you’ll join us.
Get your tickets today at bit.ly/duchessnight