Exchange of Roses: The Significance

At Duchess & Duchess, we understand that the few years parents have to nurture their children are precious and fleeting. Little girls will grow into teenagers who will then head off to college and begin a life of their own. It is our desire to encourage mothers and daughters to make the best of it.
This is the essence of Duchess & Duchess Night, where we will give mothers and daughters the opportunity to take time together and also connect with other mothers and daughters in the community.
A highlight of the evening will be the exchange of roses. We’ve had a few questions about what this signifies and we thought we’d share our vision with you.
It is simple; the giving of the rose (from mother to daughter) symbolizes a mother’s commitment to love, cherish and impart relevant life principles to her precious daughter.
It is a commitment to be aware, available, and in tune with her daughter’s needs.
It is a decision to not put everything else above her daughter’s need to be loved and guided on life’s journey.
It is a commitment to do all that is within her power to provide a safe space for her daughter to grow, explore, learn and evolve into the strong and capable woman that she can be.
We hope you will join us as we celebrate mothers and daughters.
To register and get your tickets visit today.
See you there!